Directors & Management

Robert J McCauley
BSc. LicSurv. MRICS
Chairman & Managing Director
Robert J McCauley is the founding Chairman & Managing Director of Delta Gold. Robert is a Management Consultant and Chartered Land and Minerals Surveyor with over 35 years experience in Company Management, finance, mining, planning and land development, engineering and construction. For over a decade, Mr. McCauley has been engaged in senior management and Board roles for Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) listed companies including as Chairman, CEO and Managing Director. He is very familiar and has a good working knowledge of the ASX listing rules, Corporate Governance, Continuous Disclosure protocols and the Corporations Act (Cwth). Robert has expertise in the use of interactive spatial software for identification of land boundaries, mineral exploration and mining leases including studies in engineering & geophysics.
Robert was nominated as an industry representative on the ASX equity market review panel reporting to ASIC. He has completed the London Stock Exchange AIM listing course and has extensive contacts and expertise in the resource and finance sectors. Mr. McCauley was instrumental in Commissioners Gold and Capital Mining successful IPO’s and capital raisings and debut on the ASX. Mr McCauley has expertise in media and marketing and has been interviewed by numerous leading media and financial networks including the ABC’s Stateline program; ABC’s Business Today and the Finance News Network.
Robert is a graduate of Curtin University(W.A.I.T) Perth WA; a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Aust, UK); was a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors; a Registered Surveyor and a Licensed Surveyor, Western Australia. Mr. McCauley held the statutory position of Member (Ministerial Nominee) of the Surveyors Board of the Australian Capital Territory.
Mr. McCauley has also been involved in infrastructure development of major mining and engineering projects with companies such as Worsley Alumina, Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners (UK), BHP and Boral including the Boddington Gold Mine WA (Newmont Mining); Monasavu Hydroelectric Scheme (World Bank project), Fiji and the North West Shelf Liquefied Natural Gas Project WA.

Francisco Blanco
Director Secretary
Francisco Blanco is the founding Directory Secretary of Delta Gold. Francisco has 25 years experience as a Geogrphic Information Systems Analyst specialising in Geospatial Mapping Systems and 3D Models in both public and private sectors. Mr Blanco has expertise and knowledge in all areas of Land Information and GIS Information Technology systems including Civil Engineering, Building Construction and Drafting. He was also involved in the migration of CAD based data system to a fully operational Oracle Database System and later to web based mapping systems.
Mr Blanco’s formal qualifications include Diplomas in Land information, Civil Engineering, Architectural Drafting and Building Construction graduating from at the Canberra Institute of Technology. Mr Blanco brings to Delta Gold his unique knowledge and skill sets in developing in-house interactive mapping system including mineral title and exploration databases for use by by Delta Gold in identifying exploration targets and mineral property opportunities.